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Why Away Fans Aren't Allowed in Football Stadiums in Argentina
If you’ve ever watched a football game from the Primera División, you may have been surprised to see that during the games only the home fans are present in the stands. Argentina is a country where...
5 Foods You Need to Try in Argentina
Argentina is home to lots of good food. With much influence from countries like Italy and Spain, Argentina enjoys a fantastic cuisine! The primary ingredient of an Argentinian’s diet is beef, given...
10 Words You Need to Know Before Going to Argentina
You should already know that in Argentina they speak Spanish. If you already speak some Spanish… great! However, if you’re going to successfully navigate the streets of Buenos Aires and strike...
El Ateneo Grand Splendid - The Best Bookstore in the World?
What does your local bookstore look like? Probably not like this one…right? El Ateneo Grand Splendid is a not-so-hidden treasure of Buenos Aires and whilst a bookstore might not usually be at the...
The 5 Most Important Rock Bands of Argentina
Argentina is home to arguably some of the greatest bands and music worldwide. The bands in this list have gained legendary status in Argentina and throughout Latin America. Unfortunately, outside of the...
How to Make Argentinian Empanadas - Easy Recipe
Empanadas are an Argentinian classic and are both easy to make and delicious! They can be made with various different fillings like chicken, tuna or ham and cheese – the most traditional though is...
What is the "Dolar Blue"? - Money in Argentina Explained
If you’re planning a trip to Argentina, this is a topic you’re going to want to be properly clued up about! With so many different exchange rates, things can get confusing when trying to exchange...
The Top 5 Must-Try Desserts of Argentina That Will Leave You Wanting More
Argentina is known for having great food, and it doesn’t just stop at the main course! Here are five traditional Argentinian desserts that are sure to leave you wanting more! 1. Dulce de Leche Perhaps...
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How to Make the Perfect Mate
If you’ve ever travelled to Argentina, or perhaps if you’re a football fan, you may already be familiar with mate – one of the national drinks of Argentina! Mate (or yerba mate) is...